August 31, 2013


Farmer's walk a total of 800m with 2 kettlebells

August 30, 2013


5 rounds for time:
25 two-hand swings
12 one-hand swings (each side)

August 28, 2013


3 rounds of:
A1: 5 x KB reverse overhead lunge (each side)
A2: 5 x KB suitcase deadlift (each side)
A3: Rest 2 minute

Rest 5 minutes

3 rounds of:
B1: 5 x KB side press (each side)
B2: 5 x KB windmill (each side)
B3: Rest 2 minute

August 26, 2013

August 24, 2013


CC: push-ups

Complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest of each:
KB swings
Renegade rows
KB Sit ups

Rest 2 minutes between each exercise.

August 23, 2013


CC: leg raises, squats

10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps for time of:
double kb deadlift (2pd)
double kb floor press (1.5pd)
double kb clean (1pd)

August 21, 2013


CC: handstand push-ups

3 rounds, resting 2 minutes between rounds of the following:
5 x double kettlebell floor press
5 x double kettlebell squat
5 x double kettlebell deadlift

August 16, 2013


CC: squats

A1: 5 x Double KB Swings
A2: 5 x Renegade rows (each side)
B1: 5 x Double KB thrusters
B2: 5 x Double KB deadlifts

Do 5 rounds of A, resting 30 seconds between rounds, then do 5 rounds of B, resting 30 seconds between rounds.

August 15, 2013


CC: leg-raises

5 min TGUs
5x5 cross-body single leg deadlift

Focus on form, not speed!

August 14, 2013


CC: handstand push-ups

3x3 side press (each side)
3x3 double kb lunge (each side)

August 13, 2013


CC: bridges

As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
250m row
25 two-handed swings (1.5pd)

August 12, 2013


CC: pull-ups

C&P Progression

As many rounds in 2 minutes of:
10 snatches L
10 snatches R

August 10, 2013


CC: push-ups

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time of:
swings (1.5pd)

Do 10 swings (2-handed), 10 burpees....all the way down to 1 swing, 1 burpee.

August 9, 2013


CC: squats

USSS Kettlebell Snatch Test
from Pavel in "Enter the Kettlebell"

As many snatches as possible with your heaviest (up to 1.5pd)  kettlebell  in 10 min

- You may switch hands as often as you like
- You may set the kettlebell down as often as you like
- You must lock out the elbow and knees at the top of the snatch for a rep to count
- You may not press the kettlebell during a rep

August 8, 2013


CC: leg raises

10 minutes of alternating TGUs

Really work on form and pause for a second after each transition between stable platforms.

August 6, 2013


CC: bridges

As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
Double KB swing
Double KB high pull
Double KB snatch

Use two 35# (1pd) kettlebells

August 5, 2013


CC: pull-ups

C&P Progression

As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 swings R
5 snatches R
5 swings L
5 snatches L

August 3, 2013


CC: push-ups

Practice some kettlebell juggling! We suggest being over GRASS when first starting out. Try the basic forward and backward flip.

August 2, 2013


CC: squats

3 rounds of:
5 x Double KB Front Squats
5 x Overhead reverse lunges, left side
5 x Overhead reverse lunges, right side
10 x Double KB deadlift

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

This is our 100th post on Kettlebell Workouts, including active rest days. We'll be with you for hundreds more!

August 1, 2013


CC: leg raises

5 min TGUs
5x5 single-leg cross-body deadlifts
5x5 chop and lift